An interview with Jocelyn Loane

Posted on December 7, 2024 
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At The Australian Church Record, Kirsten McKinlay catches up with Jocelyn Loane to find out about her new book Motherhood — How the gospel shapes our purpose and priorities.

Sam Green — Engaging with Islam

Posted on December 6, 2024 
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From AP, the national Presbyterian journal:

“In this episode of AP’s Profiles in Christian Living we talk with Sam Green, one of Australia’s leading apologists to Muslims. Sam lives in Hobart, Tasmania and has written an excellent book called Where to Start with Islam by St Matthias Press. …”

Watch or listen here. Very very helpful.

See Sam’s book Where to Start with Islam, and his website Engaging With Islam.

Precious opportunities await!

Posted on December 5, 2024 
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A reminder, from the Diocese of Bathurst, of precious opportunities for gospel service in these parishes –

“1. Condobolin
2. Trundle
3. Warren
4. Coolah-Dunedoo
5. Nyngan
6. Bourke-Brewarrina
7. Gilgandra
8. Coonamble
9. West Wyalong
10. Wellington
11. Coonabarabran
12. Cumnock
13. Canowindra
14. Cudal-Molong.”

– From the diocesan Facebook page.

Are churches losing global mission focus? — with Tim Silberman

Posted on December 4, 2024 
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From The Pastor’s Heart:

“Is the church losing its global mission focus?

The number of overseas missionaries being sent out is down on ten years ago.

Church and mission leaders have encouraged Christians to respond to the need for mission locally, especially as church decline accelerates.

Yet there’s a growing concern that global mission involvement is being neglected in many local churches.

Sydney Missionary and Bible College Lecturer Tim Silberman has just completed a study on practices and perspectives on mission among evangelical churches in Australia.

Tim says for mission to prosper, churches need to have strong relationships with overseas mission partners, and this will help the gospel globally and our local mission work.”

Watch or listen here.

Church Society Podcast: Messiah

Posted on December 4, 2024 
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“Lee Gatiss talks to Lucy Downer, Music Director at St Ebbe’s Church, about the music and theology of Handel’s Messiah, as well as the new devotional book from Church Society based on its libretto.”– Listen here.

They speak about the newly published book A Month With The Messiah – Reflections on Handel’s Masterpiece. In addition to the printed version, it’s available as a digital download.

A Month With The Messiah – Reflections on Handel’s Masterpiece (262pp) brings together a cast of thirty scholars, pastors, musicians, and theologians come together to provide a profound and accessible devotional commentary on this musical masterpiece. Curated to appeal both to long-time admirers and newcomers, this book dives into the libretto’s scriptural themes with clarity and reverence.”

Includes contributions by Dr Peter Adam, Dean of Sydney Sandy Grant and St. Andrew’s Cathedral Music Director Ross Cobb.

Dear Pastor, Keep This in Mind When There is “Too Much to Do”

Posted on December 4, 2024 
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Crossway has published this article adapted from Letters Along the Way: From a Senior Saint to a Junior Saint by D. A. Carson and John D. Woodbridge –

“I’ve been asked if I have any suggestions for sorting out how to live when there is ‘too much to do.’ With the preface in mind that the ‘preacher practiceth not what he preacheth,’ here are a few thoughts …

My father was once conversing with me about how he had lived his life. Almost poignantly, he said: ‘Son, I wish I had done fewer things better.’ I was young then, and I did not really understand what he meant. …”

See the eight pieces of advice for those who feel overwhelmed in ministry with ‘too much to do’.

The Nativity: Fact or Fairytale?

Posted on December 3, 2024 
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From Tyndale House in Cambridge:

“[Tyndale House Principal] Peter Williams has been studying the Gospels, and therefore Jesus’ birth story, for over 20 years.

Tony Watkins recently sat down with him to explore the historical and textual reliability of the Nativity, one of the world’s most popular narratives. In this engaging interview, Peter sheds light on the significance and reliability of the accounts of Jesus’ birth found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

‘…what I’d say is there’s absolutely no reason why these narratives can’t be true’.”

Watch here.

Hannah Blake reviews John Mark Comer’s ‘Practicing the Way’

Posted on December 3, 2024 
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“Recently I’ve noticed a lot of discussion surrounding John Mark Comer’s latest book Practicing the Way, and more generally around discipleship and formation. Many of us are asking questions about what it really means to follow Jesus, or to be his disciple, or to ‘apprentice’ with him. What does it actually look like for you and me, today, to live the Christian life? …”

At The Australian Church Record, Hannah Blake looks at a solution she evaluates as ‘sorely misdirected’.

Britain’s new National Death Service?

Posted on December 2, 2024 
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“If Labour MP Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally ill Adults (End of Life) bill ends up on the statute book, it could well be that the principal (perhaps only) achievement of Sir Keir Starmer’s government in Britain will have been the introduction of a National Death Service.

It will also signal the assisted suicide of Britain as a moral society. Indeed, Friday’s Commons debate on the issue revealed that Leadbeater herself clearly doesn’t understand what she has done because she doesn’t understand the moral distinction between killing and dying. Nor do some other MPs. …”

– British journalist and author Melanie Phillips takes a closer look at what MPs actually voted for on Friday in the House of Commons.

(Image from an interview at John Anderson has spoken with Melanie Phillips on a number of occasions.)

You can be certain — Luke 1:1-4

Posted on December 2, 2024 
Filed under Australian dioceses, Good News, Resources Comments Off on You can be certain — Luke 1:1-4

Bishop Mark Calder begins his Advent/Christmas series for the Diocese of Bathurst: You can be certain

December 01 ADVENT 1 Why? Luke 1:1-4
December 08 ADVENT 2 John the Baptist prepared the way. Luke 1:5-25
December 15 ADVENT 3 Jesus was miraculously conceived. Luke 1:26-38
December 22 ADVENT 4 God’s eternal promises were being fulfilled. Luke 1:39-56
December 25 CHRISTMAS A Saviour was born – Messiah and Lord! Luke 2:1-21.

Watch the first talk at this link.

Encouragement for church members, and great to share.

Advent account a salutary reminder in self-centred times

Posted on December 1, 2024 
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“The Prayer Book Bible readings and Collect for Advent Sunday are a powerful reminder that the Jewish Messiah who was crucified in Roman Judea will one day return to the judge the world.

The reading from Matthew’s Gospel stresses the humility of Jesus when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey in fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecy in Zechariah 9:9…”

– Julian Mann writes at The Conservative Woman.

Advent Devotionals from Prayermate

Posted on December 1, 2024 
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If you use the free Prayermate app, there are a number of Advent devotionals you may find helpful.

Some are paid, some are free. See the current list – as well as links to download Prayermate – here.

2024 Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canada

Posted on December 1, 2024 
Filed under Anglican Diocese of Canada, ANiC, Encouragement Comments Off on 2024 Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Canada

The 2024 Synod of the Anglican Network in Canada was held November 20-22 in Burlington, Ontario.

The summary published by ANiC reveals that the decision was made to rename the ANiC as The Anglican Diocese of Canada (in the Anglican Church in North America, part of the global Gafcon movement).

The Bible Studies each day were given by Simon Manchester, drawn from the Letter to Titus. Most encouraging.

Dark day as MPs vote in favour of assisted suicide Bill

Posted on November 30, 2024 
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“MPs have voted in support of the principle of Kim Leadbeater MP’s assisted suicide Bill.

The Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill intends to allow those in England and Wales deemed to be terminally ill and with less than six months to live to receive help to kill themselves. MPs have now voted by 330 to 275 in favour of legalisation.

The backbench MP’s Private Member’s Bill will now proceed to Committee Stage, where it will be considered further. …”

Reaction from The Christian Institute to the vote in Westminster this morning Australian time.

Women in the Anglican Diocese of Armidale

Posted on November 30, 2024 
Filed under Australian dioceses, Resources, Theology Comments Off on Women in the Anglican Diocese of Armidale

From the Diocese of Armidale:

“At the recent Synod (September 2024), the Bishop presented a position paper on the Role of Women in the Anglican Diocese of Armidale.

In the paper he seeks ‘to explore the way Christian men and women can partner together in ministry, to grow and build Christ’s church in accordance with the Scriptures’ (Bishop’s synod address, p9).

This was in preparation for employing a Diocesan Deacon for Women. Everything is now ready for the role to begin in January 2025 – the new Deacon for Women will be announced in December…”

This page has links to Bishop Rod Chiswell’s Position Paper here and his Synod Address.

Image: The Synod of the Diocese of Armidale.

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