Guess who’s coming to podcast?
“The former Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, has been joined by his brother, former Archbishop Peter Jensen, in a refashioning of the podcast Two Ways News.
The podcast was previously hosted by Phillip Jensen and Tony Payne. …
In the first episode of 2025, Mr Jensen introduces his brother Peter as the new co-host. “This year we’re looking at Genesis,” he says in the first episode. ‘Last year we worked our way through Romans and we just thought, well, the opening chapters of Genesis open up so many questions for us that it’ll be a great passage to have as the backbone of the year.’…”
– Russell Powell shares the news at
This podcast will be a real treat. Listen to the first episode for 2025, released today.
Image: Peter and Phillip at the 2023 King’s Birthday Conference at Moore Theological College.
Book review: ‘Proclaiming Christ’
“The past two hundred years of human history has seen the rise of so-called ‘modern’ thinking, which has created unprecedented challenges for Christians around the world.
As it stands, our current society is underpinned by a subjective approach to truth – emotions determine worldviews; objective biblical standards are labelled extremist; and unalterable biological realities like one’s own gender are contested on the grounds of personal feelings. In turn, this subjectivity has accompanied religious pluralism, as no revelation from God can be considered objectively true, because nothing is objectively true.
Against this cultural backdrop, believers are constantly in need of reminders to keep preaching Christ crucified. As a compilation of Packer’s 1978 lectures at Moore Theological College on Common Objections Against Christianity, this book serves to do exactly that. …“
As we noted when Campbell Markham reviewed the book last year, as well as reading the book, you can watch Packer’s 1978 Moore College lectures – About an hour each:
Lecture 1 – We’ve a Story to Tell.
Lecture 2 – The man Christ Jesus.
Lecture 3 – He emptied himself: the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Lecture 4 – The wonderful exchange.
Lecture 5 – No other name: the uniqueness of Jesus Christ.
What would we lose if we stopped teaching complementarianism?
Dr Mark D Thompson, Principal of Moore Theological College, writes:
“The following is a paper I presented to a seminar at the 2025 Priscilla and Aquila Conference.
What would we lose if we stopped teaching complementarianism?
If we believe that the complementarian nature of human life and Christian ministry is a good thing, given by our loving God for our welfare, then we ought to want to preach and teach it, and to help people see how this perspective finds expression right through the Bible, and how it nurtures healthy, joyful and meaningful relationships. Yet increasingly, it seems, Bible teachers and preachers who are convinced of the truthfulness and even the goodness of this part of the Bible’s teaching, are unwilling to teach it for a variety of reasons. The context of our moment in history in the Western world — a right and proper concern to affirm the equal dignity and value of women and men, while at the same time being confused about what it means to be a woman or a man; the grotesque misuse of the Bible’s teaching by some to justify oppression and abuse; voices inside the churches insisting the Bible says something different and outside the churches arguing not only that we need not, but that we must not, follow the Bible’s teaching anyway — all of this pushes hard against any decision to teach complementarianism even if we believe it.
So my goal in this seminar is simply to encourage us to teach what we believe. And I don’t want us to do that just out of some sort of obligation, begrudgingly teaching this because it’s there in the Bible, but because we know it is good and that without understanding this our life together will be all the poorer. God is good. His word is good. He is committed to our welfare. He has built us for relationships. And what he has to tell us in his word about how to relate as men and women, in the home, in the church, and in the world that he has made, is very good. So if we don’t teach complementarianism there is a lot that we can lose. …”
– Read it all here – and very good to share with others in your church.
Related: The Priscilla and Aquila Centre at Moore College.
Paul Grimmond: How godliness differs for men and women and how to teach it!
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“How does godliness play out differently if I am a man, a woman, a young man, a young woman, a husband or a wife?
All Christians are called to live like Christ. Why does the Apostle Paul choose to write about what godliness looks like for the older and younger and for us as men and women, rather than more generally for us as people?
Does our age and sex have implications for the challenges we face in living for Jesus?
Are these things just human constructs or elements of divine gift?
And what implications does this have for how we think about discipleship and our lived experience of complementarian ministry?
Paul Grimmond is a senior lecturer at Sydney’s Moore Theological College. Paul gave the keynote address at the Priscilla and Aquila conference.”
The Gender Revolution — a new blog to go with the book
The authors of the book The Gender Revolution, Patricia Weerakoon, Rob Smith, and Kamal Weerakoon, have started a blog to discuss related topics.
The first post, Every Body Has Authority, by Kamal Weerakoon, is now online.
The book is published by Matthias Media. (It’s also on special at the moment!)
“There are times when I receive a new book and find myself saying ‘I don’t think we need a new book on that.’ …
Yet sometimes I receive a new book and find myself saying, ‘I’m so glad someone has written a book on that!’ …
The Gender Revolution falls squarely in the second category. This is a book that has been written to provide a biblical, biological, and compassionate response to the modern day gender ideology that has been flooding our world and sweeping away so many victims.”
Image: Matthias Media.
Godliness vs Effectiveness — the Both/And Dilemma
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“Godliness vs Effectiveness
Theology vs Pragmatics
People centered vs Organisationally minded
Leading from the front vs Serving others
Courage to take a stand vs Quick to submit
Others know I am one of them vs I am set apart to lead
I lead patiently vs I lead with a sense of urgencyMost Christians at some point do start to wonder if they are the real deal. What God asks of us is so far reaching, so all encompassing, that when we come up short, we start to ask ourselves “Am I an imposter?” “Should I really be a leader?” and perhaps/Am even a Christian at all?’”
William Taylor: ‘Give yourself wholly to the work of the Lord’
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“What is the work of the Lord? What is in vain if the resurrection is not true? What truly lasts and what does gospel work looks like in our daily lives?
The debate over eschatology and one’s view of the new heavens and new earth. Will there be a Sydney Harbour Bridge in the new creation?
And in the meantime, what should be our priorities?
William Taylor is the rector of St Helen’s Church in London, where he is engaged in ministry to city workers.
He has written the book ‘Revolutionary Work’ to address these issues.”
1700 Years after Nicaea — Credo Magazine
A new issue of Credo magazine is out, with a focus on the Doctrine of the Holy Trinity:
“Without the doctrine of the Trinity we have no Christianity. So, something is fundamentally wrong when countless churchgoers and churches today never say the Nicene Creed together on a Sunday morning. In fact, some have never heard of the Nicene Creed at all.
The year 2025 is the anniversary of the Nicene Creed, meaning this year is a strategic opportunity for pastors everywhere to put the creed back in the church where it belongs. In this new issue of Credo Magazine, we explain why the creed should not only inform the doctrine of the church but its worship, pervading its liturgy. No longer can the church afford to go without that creed which brings us into fellowship with the communion of the saints and summons us into communion with the holy Trinity. …”
– Worth reflecting on the first three sentences – and reading through some of the articles in this issue.
From the first featured article, A Map to Organise Wonder:
“The Nicene Creed, written in 325 years then ratified and expanded in 381 at the Council of Constantinople, represents a doctrinal map seeking to organize the greatest Wonder within all the cosmos: the Triune God. It is not a replacement for the Wonder itself but helps pilgrims on the journey towards the Celestial City. The Creed prompts us to marvel at True Wonder as we progressively encounter his beauty before reaching him in glory. Thus, without the Nicene Creed, Christians are in danger of being lost in a sea of doctrinal and moral confusion. Whether evangelical Christians recite the Creed in gathered worship or not, we are indebted to the theological luminaries of the fourth century. To jettison the Creed is like disabling a GPS in an unknown territory.”
The God Who Does Not Wipe Out Rebels
From The Gospel Coalition, part 2 in a series of 14 talks from Don Carson about the message of the Bible:
“In this lecture, Don Carson examines Genesis 3, focusing on the Serpent’s deceit and humanity’s rebellion, which leads to shame, guilt, and broken fellowship with God.
He discusses the curses placed on Satan, Adam, and Eve, highlighting the introduction of sin and the long-term effects on creation. Carson emphasizes the need for reconciliation with God, pointing to the promise of redemption through Jesus. …”
– Listen (or read the transcript) here.
Photo: Don Carson speaking at The Next Level conference in Sydney in 2016.
Disney movies, Moana and the human heart
“I’ve always been a fan of Disney movies. As a child growing up in the 90s, I was there for every new release, ready to sing along to songs that would become classics.
I haven’t yet seen the new Moana movie, but I loved the first one. I loved that it was set in Polynesia; I loved the gorgeous animation; I loved that Moana was a strong, independent woman unafraid of big challenges; and I loved that Moana was one of the first Disney princesses whose storyline did not revolve around finding Prince Charming.
But as I watched, I remember thinking that something wasn’t quite right. It took me a while to work it out because the movie was so very entertaining. But eventually I figured out my discomfort …”
– Susan An analyses the problem, at The Australian Church Record.
Hannah Blake reviews John Mark Comer’s ‘Practicing the Way’
“Recently I’ve noticed a lot of discussion surrounding John Mark Comer’s latest book Practicing the Way, and more generally around discipleship and formation. Many of us are asking questions about what it really means to follow Jesus, or to be his disciple, or to ‘apprentice’ with him. What does it actually look like for you and me, today, to live the Christian life? …”
At The Australian Church Record, Hannah Blake looks at a solution she evaluates as ‘sorely misdirected’.
Women in the Anglican Diocese of Armidale
From the Diocese of Armidale:
“At the recent Synod (September 2024), the Bishop presented a position paper on the Role of Women in the Anglican Diocese of Armidale.
In the paper he seeks ‘to explore the way Christian men and women can partner together in ministry, to grow and build Christ’s church in accordance with the Scriptures’ (Bishop’s synod address, p9).
This was in preparation for employing a Diocesan Deacon for Women. Everything is now ready for the role to begin in January 2025 – the new Deacon for Women will be announced in December…”
– This page has links to Bishop Rod Chiswell’s Position Paper here and his Synod Address.
Image: The Synod of the Diocese of Armidale.
All the families of the earth – Genesis 11:27-12:9
Last week, Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson spoke about the Promise to Abraham as the College comes to the end of the academic year.
It’s not only Moore College students who need to be reminded of God’s promises and why we’re here.
Watch or listen at the Moore College website.
US election season, politics and the gospel — Ministry Matters from the Church of Confessing Anglicans NZ
“With the US presidential election well underway … and because we here at Ministry Matters know no fear, we dedicate this issue to a few brief reflections on politics and the gospel.
If you’re over politics, sorry – but let me assure you the emphasis here is very much on the gospel! …”
– Editor of Ministry Matters from the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa NZ, Geoff Robson, introduces the latest issue.
AP interview with Tim Chester on ‘Enjoying Jesus’
In the latest podcast from AP, the Australian Presbyterian journal, Mark Powell speaks with Tim Chester about his latest book – Enjoying Jesus.
– Watch here.