Links– The Diocese of Sydney

Two Ways to Live – The choice we all face– God makes sense

St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Sydney

The Archbishop of Sydney’s Anglican Aid

Mothers’ Union Sydney

The Australian Church Record

The Briefing – superseded by – superseded by the Matthias Media blog.


GAFCON Australia

Diocese of the Southern Cross

Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand

The Alliance

GAFCON Great Britain and Europe

GAFCON Ireland

Anglican Mission in England

Global South Anglican


Church Society

Church of England Evangelical Council

Anglican Mainstream

Anglican Connection (North America)

Diocese of Armidale

Diocese of the Northern Territory

Diocese of North West Australia

Diocese of Bathurst

Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of South Africa (CESA)

Church of Nigeria – Anglican Communion

Church of Uganda

Anglican Church in North America

The Latimer Trust (UK)

The Latimer Fellowship (NZ)

EFAC Australia

Moore Theological College

Oak Hill College, London

George Whitefield College, Cape Town

Trinity Theological College, Perth

Nungalinya College, Darwin

Mary Andrews College, Sydney

The Proclamation Trust

Evangelism and New Churches – Sydney

Effective Ministry

Equal But Different

Better Gatherings– from the Liturgical Panel of the Diocese of Sydney

English Standard Version of the Bible

Reformers’ Bookshop Sydney

Matthias Media

The Wandering Bookseller

The Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students
