Elite sports chaplain Ashley Null: ‘The gospel is the antidote to performance-based identity’

“We’re not two minutes into our interview before Rev Canon Dr Ashley Null starts weeping gently.

It is not what I was expecting.

The danger with the relentless researching of your subject in preparation for an interview is that you’re bound to make some assumptions. My first was that Null, a Yale and Cambridge alumnus who is a leading expert on Thomas Cranmer and the theology of the English Reformation, might be intimidatingly intellectual and inaccessible to us mere mortals.

My second was that this might make for a difficult interview with an overly fastidious subject.

I was wrong on both counts. …”

– At Premier Christianity, Emma Fowle speaks with Ashley Null. Take the time to read.

Photo courtesy Gafcon.

Eric Liddell: The Olympic Champion who ran God’s Race in the Internment Camp

“With the approaching of the 33rd Summer Olympics in Paris on July 26, many people especially Christians are remembering Eric Liddell (1902-1945).

Powerfully depicted in the 1981 Academy Award-winning film Chariots of Fire as the “Flying Scotsman”, Liddell demonstrated to the world a strong Christian conviction. Appreciated or criticised, he refused to run any race on any Sunday, even at the cost of gold medals. However, his missionary work in war-torn China from 1925 to 1945 is less known, and even less known is his Christ-like living in the Japanese concentration camp in China. …”

– At AP, Sonia Liang reminds us of the often-overlooked story of Eric Liddell.

Photo: Eric Liddell at the British Empire vs. USA (Relays) meeting held at Stamford Bridge, London on Saturday 19 July 1924. Public domain, via Wikipedia.

God’s Sovereignty, Moral Evil, and the Attempted Assassination of Former President Trump: The Theological, Historical, and Political Issues

Albert Mohler has recorded a special (mid-Summer-holiday) edition of his The Briefing broadcast after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

He speaks about God’s Sovereignty, moral evil, Providence, and related topics – and reminds us that nothing happens by accident.

It’s also a reminder to pray for the USA in the election season.


God, make me a man like Corey Comperatore – Peter Heck writes at NotTheBee.

(Corey Comperatore is the crowd member who died using his body to shield his family from the incoming bullets.)

And a tribute from his daughter  – “He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and our members as family.”

Anglican Unscripted Interview with ACNA’s Archbishop Steve Wood

In the latest Anglican Unscripted Interview, Kevin Killeen speaks with Steve Wood, recently elected Archbishop of the Anglican Church of North America.

Watch here.

ACNA’s New Archbishop: Passionate for Evangelism

“Elected June 22 at a conclave of ACNA bishops, Wood assumes leadership of a small but growing denomination (the ACNA reported 12 percent growth in attendance in 2023).

‘I did not come here with any expectation that this would be a possibility and was as surprised as anyone as the vote unfolded,’ Wood said. The new archbishop, raised in a charismatic and evangelical church, was not among the names publicly rumored ahead of the conclave as a potential successor to Archbishop Foley Beach, who is stepping down after 10 years of leadership. …”

– At The Living Church, Jeff Walton introduces Steve Wood, newly elected Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America. (Link via Anglican Mainstream.)

Photo: ACNA.

See also:

Get to Know Archbishop Steve Wood – ACNA.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali in conversation with Glen Scrivener

“My spiritual awakening came from mental agony”, Ayaan Hirsi Ali opens up about finding Christian faith in the darkest of places.

Glen Scrivener speaks with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Fascinating.

Book Review: Plans for Your Good

“The autobiography of the former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is one of the most surprising books I have read in quite some time. I picked it up expecting him to talk about politics but it’s really primarily about God, with a personal call for the readers to consider their own position before Him.

There is a lot to take away from this book. And so I’m going to break up my review under a number of headings, with extended quotes to give the reader a better sense of what the author is saying. …”

– At AP (The online journal of the Presbyterian Church of Australia), Mark Powell reviews Plans for Your Good by Scott Morrison .

“This was definitely not the book I was expecting to read.”

Yet again, it’s also a reminder to pray for all who are in authority: 1 Timothy 2:1-4

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” – ESV.

Steve Wood elected Archbishop of ACNA

“The College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America has elected its next archbishop, the Rt. Rev. Steve Wood, bishop of the Diocese of the Carolinas. The College met in conclave in the crypt of St. Vincent’s Basilica at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pennsylvania from Thursday, June 20 through Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Bishop Wood will serve as the third archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America which was founded in 2009 and now has over 128,000 members in over 1,000 congregations across Canada, Mexico, and the United States. …”

News from the ACNA.

Photo: Retiring Archbishop, Foley Beach, congratulates his successor.

Discover Serving in the Bathurst Diocese — on Zoom, Mon 22nd July

From the Diocese of Bathurst:

“Are you interested in ministry opportunities and pathways outside of the city? Are you curious about what it actually looks like to minister out west? Are you keen to hear about what it is like to SHARE JESUS for LIFE in the Bathurst Diocese?

Come and join current workers and their spouses online as they answer these and other questions. This session is for anyone who is interested or curious!”

– on Monday 22nd July on Zoom. Details at this link.

Also from Bathurst:

“Bishop Calder was delighted to announce today the appointment of the Rev’d James Boardman as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Kelso, from January 2025. Currently assistant priest at Bathurst Anglican Cathedral, James and Charly are excited for this new opportunity. Please pray for the Boardmans and the parish of Holy Trinity Kelso as they prepare for this transition.”

– on the diocesan Facebook page.


Honouring faithful service over 15 years

From Moore College:

“It is with full hearts that we share Moore College Faculty member and Director of the Priscilla and Aquila Centre, Jane Tooher, will be leaving the College at the end of this year.

Jane, who is much loved, has been on College Faculty since August 2009 and she will be dearly missed by everyone at the College.  Jane is the founding Director of the Priscilla and Aquila Centre, the key architect and lecturer in the women’s ministry stream of the Advanced Diploma and a thought leader both within the College and further afield in the area of complementarian models of Christian ministry. …”

Read it all here.

Commissioning at Narromine

On Saturday, Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder was in Narromine, “to welcome Luke and Lauren Merriman to Narromine and commission Luke as stipendiary lay minister.”

Bishop Calder continues, “Thanks be to God.”

Do uphold in prayer Luke and Lauren and the church at Narromine.

– More photos on the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.

Gerald Bray Interview on the BCP — Church Society

From Church Society:

“Lee Gatiss talks to Gerald Bray about Gerald’s new Companion to the Book of Common Prayer.”

Listen here.

Following in Faith: The Good Shepherd Leads Global Anglicans

“Many global Anglicans face a challenging question: whether and when to join the Gafcon movement.

In this second conversation, Philip de Grey-Warter explains when and why he connected with Gafcon. Such decisions, complex and often costly, rightly begin in prayer, and Philip encourages church leaders to find comfort in their simple obedience to God.

When we follow the Good Shepherd, God will provide the support we need: friends, fellow leaders, genuine spiritual oversight, and strength in the gospel.”

In the latest Global Anglican Podcast, Gafcon General Secretary Bishop Paul Donison continues his conversation with the Rev. Philip de Grey-Warter.

A whirlwind interview with Rico Tice: on Chappo, the church and the gospel we preach

At The Australian Church Record, Micky Mantle (Rector of North Sydney) interviews evangelist Rico Tice.

Among other things, Micky asks Rico about the influence John Chapman had on him:

“Yeah, Chappo’s humanity. He was such a laugh. Chappo was so wonderfully himself.

Also, when he spoke to people, the tone was always one of such love. I suddenly saw someone I could – you know, he just was always for you, Chappo. And he believed in the Holy Spirit, and he taught the truth. And you just felt that tremendous sense of his personal warmth, and the humour.

And the ability to rebuke. So of course, one day driving back from Newcastle [UK] – I’d gone up to a church with him to hear him preach – and he said to me…”

Read the full interview to see what Chappo said, and what influence that had.

Image: Rico Tice preaching at an Insurance Service at DSt. Helen’s Bishopsgate in 2022.

Rico Tice: ‘I was naïve about current culture in the CofE’

“Well-known evangelist Rico Tice has recently left the Church of England and now worships at the International Presbyterian Church (IPC), Ealing.

In an exclusive interview with Evangelicals Now, he explains why he made the switch, and what his advice is to evangelicals themselves wrestling with leaving. …”

Read here.

Image: Rico Tice at the Coronation Prom in May 2023.

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