Statement from Lambeth Palace about the Archbishop of Canterbury
Posted on November 21, 2024
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“Today (November 20), Lambeth Palace have issued a statement that following his resignation announcement, the Archbishop of Canterbury intends to complete his official duties by the upcoming Feast of Epiphany (6th January).
It reads: ‘Following the announcement last week of his resignation as the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop Justin intends to complete his official duties by the upcoming Feast of Epiphany (6th January). Archbishop Justin intends very little public-facing activity between now and Epiphany, but plans to honour a small number of remaining commitments. At Epiphany, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s official functions will be delegated to the Archbishop of York – more details will be provided on this in due course. The date on which Archbishop Justin formally ceases to hold office will be set in agreement with the Privy Council.’ ”
– From The Anglican Communion News Service.
The Anglicans Behind the Bonhoeffer Movie
Posted on November 21, 2024
Filed under History, People Comments Off on The Anglicans Behind the Bonhoeffer Movie
“When Gafcon emerged to ignite the global Anglican realignment, Emmanuel and Camille Kampouris enthusiastically joined. Recognizing the unique courage of leaders like Peter Akinola, Bob Duncan, and Peter Jensen, they supported the movement every way they could, with Emmanuel taking on a key leadership role.
Around the same time, they also began working on a second passion project, an idea for a movie on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. …”
– From The Anglican Church in North America.
Commitment to Christ
Posted on November 21, 2024
Filed under Church of England, Encouragement Comments Off on Commitment to Christ
Bishop Keith Sinclair opened Church Society’s 2024 Junior Anglican Evangelical Conference in August. His topic? “Commitment to Christ”.
– Listen here. Most encouraging.
What is the JAEC?
“Established by John Richardson in 2011, Church Society has hosted this conference since 2014. It is specifically for those who are ‘junior’, that is anyone considering ministry in the Church of England, lay or ordained, through training, curacy and the first few years of incumbency or the equivalent. The conference aims to help anyone in that category be more effective as an Anglican Evangelical, making the most of every opportunity to reach the lost for Jesus, build up the church through his word, and send workers into God’s harvest field.”
Photo: Church Society.
Make the Most of Sunday Mornings — Two Simple Changes
Posted on November 21, 2024
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“Ah, Sunday. That majestic morning when my children awake to the aroma of eggs and bacon and fresh-squeezed orange juice. When they bound down the stairs, Bibles in hand and a song in their hearts. When I lead them in family worship over breakfast, and my wife plays the piano as we prepare our hearts for meeting with the people of God.
The only downside when we finish is that we still have time to kill. Oh well. At least we’ll be super early to church — again!
If you’re smirking, it’s because you know this is not reality. …“
– At Desiring God, Matt Smethurst has a couple of suggestions to help you (and others) at church – because, as he says, “Christianity is not a spectator sport”.
Photo: Christ Church Cathedral, Darwin, via the Diocese of the Northern Territory.
Ministry in the Later Stage of Life
Posted on November 20, 2024
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Earlier this month, Phillip Jensen spoke at a Prime Time event at Croydon Park.
He speaks to retirees (or those hoping to be): “We have the gift of a decade.”
See what he means – and what we can do with it.
How to be fun and not boring in Christmas preaching?
Posted on November 20, 2024
Filed under Evangelism, Resources Comments Off on How to be fun and not boring in Christmas preaching?
From The Pastor’s Heart:
“Planning Christmas Preaching.
What we are nervous about? What we want to get right? What has worked best? What hasn’t?
And how do we leverage the cultural moment?”
Dominic Steele speaks with Nigel Fortescue at Christ Church St. Ives and Pete Stedman at Norwest Anglican Church.
‘A wound that can’t heal’: Church calls for recognition of genocide
Posted on November 19, 2024
Filed under Australian dioceses, World news Comments Off on ‘A wound that can’t heal’: Church calls for recognition of genocide
“The Anglican Diocese of Melbourne has joined calls for the 1915–1923 Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides to be recognised by the state government.
More than 3 million Armenian, Assyrian/Syriac and Greek Orthodox Christians suffered from the systematic mass murder, expulsion and forced conversion beginning on 24 April 1915.
This population continues to be one of the most persecuted, dispossessed and scattered in the world. …”
– Report from The Melbourne Anglican.
Duties of Church Membership (ii) — Church Society Podcast
Posted on November 19, 2024
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“In 1954, the Church Assembly (the forerunner to General Synod) asked the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to write this short guide to the duties of church membership.
It is a simple list which could be given to every person in church, indicating what is expected of them as disciples of Christ and members of the congregation. Presumably in 1954, there were already concerns that not everyone who attended church understood these. It is certainly the case today that newcomers to church have no idea about many of them.
In this week’s episode of the podcast, Tony Cannon and Martin Lane discuss the final three items on the list: financial giving, upholding marriage and bringing children up in the Lord, asking what benefit they would bring to individuals and congregations if we were all more faithful in doing them. Forthcoming episodes will cover the other items on the list. …”
– The latest Church Society podcast.
Evangelising Adults through Song: Colin’s Calvary Road Show
Posted on November 18, 2024
Filed under Good News, Resources Comments Off on Evangelising Adults through Song: Colin’s Calvary Road Show
“Beyoncé, Madonna, Adele, Bono, Slash, Ringo, Drake… how many artists are recognised by merely their first name? In Australian Christian circles, Colin has reached such dizzying heights. For thirty years his name has been synonymous with Christian kids’ music, and for good reason. He has perhaps evangelised more Australians than anyone else this century, recorded hundreds of theologically robust songs, many that will likely be sung for generations.
But did you know Colin also does great concerts for adults?…”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Kingsley Davidson introduces Colin Buchanan’s The Calvary Road LP and Show.
Photo: The Gospel Coalition Aust.
Chappo – Jesus claims to be the only way to God
Posted on November 17, 2024
Filed under Evangelism, Resources Comments Off on Chappo – Jesus claims to be the only way to God
In July 1979, John Chapman spoke at a one-off evangelistic meeting for the Sydney University Evangelical Union. His topic was “Jesus Claims to be the Only Way to God”.
John had a heavy cold, but that didn’t stop him preaching Christ with his characteristic clarity and humour.
Hear his 40 minute talk (9.7MB mp3 file). The audio quality is poor, but this recording will bring back many memories of a dear brother.
It’s also a great talk to pass on – and there are many road-tested illustrations which you could use yourself!
(1980 Photo: AFES. This is a re-post.)
Preparing Your Funeral
Posted on November 16, 2024
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“The emptiness of secularism is never more evident than at the funeral.
On one occasion, preaching in the Moore College Chapel, my Principal, D.B.Knox, made the point that death, whether it be 1, 2, 20 or 30 years away, was relatively close for us all.
I am now at an age where I am told it is wise to have my Will handy, together with the Powers of Attorney and Title deed to our apartment. As well, I have included some guidelines for my funeral service, after all, this will be my last opportunity to testify to God’s saving work in my life. …”
– At The Expository Preaching Trust, David Cook shows us what it is like to think about your own funeral. If you trust in Christ, your funeral can be markedly different from the empty ‘celebrations’ we often see.
2024 St Antholin Lecture: Evangelicals Before Evangelicalism
Posted on November 15, 2024
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Church Society has posted the video of this year’s 2024 St Antholin Lecture.
“In this year’s St Antholin Lecture, Rachel Ciano from Sydney Missionary and Bible College explores the use of the term ‘evangelical’ in the early English Reformation.
This is a fascinating look at how the much-disputed word evangelical first came to be used by enemies of the Reformation, and Rachel Ciano explores what it meant and implied during this formative period in our history.
Can you guess who was the first English person to describe people as evangelical?
The lecture is followed by a time of Q & A with Dr Lee Gatiss and Dr Mark Burkill (Trustees of the St Antholin Lectures), from the livestream of the lecture on the day.”
Gafcon responds to the resignation of Archbishop Welby
Posted on November 14, 2024
Filed under Anglican Communion, Church of England, GAFCON Comments Off on Gafcon responds to the resignation of Archbishop Welby
A Statement from Gafcon:
“We were saddened by the news of the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the reasons for his decision. While the Gafcon Primates have been critical of the Archbishop’s leadership, the circumstances of his resignation is not an occasion for rejoicing, but for grief and self-reflection.
The presence of child sexual abuse in the church of God is a pernicious evil, which has brought devastating, long-term effects upon survivors and their families. Yet their trauma is only exacerbated by negligence or inaction in pursuing and prosecuting perpetrators for their crimes. Such failures to act also grieve the heart of God and bring shame upon his church.
We appreciate Archbishop Justin’s willingness to resign from his office, as it shows evidence of his desire to take responsibility for his own lack of action in investigating the allegations against John Smyth, which came to light in 2013. While his own admission of regret and remorse is welcome, the past cannot be undone.
Leadership in any sphere of life is challenging, and no less so in the church of God. Christian leaders are called to be shepherds of the flock. Yet, none of us is perfect, as we all make mistakes, but owning our failures is also the mark of good leadership. While some errors of judgment have greater consequences than others, the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, knows our frailty and forgives all who are truly penitent. He also cares for the downcast and broken, as he cares for those who have been abused.
We pray for Archbishop Justin, his wife Caroline, and his family as the days ahead will not be without difficulty. We also pray for all those who have experienced sexual abuse by false shepherds in the church of God. May they know the peace of God that passes understanding and that heals all our infirmities.
The Most Revd. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Chairman of the Gafcon Primates Council
Archbishop & Primate of Rwanda (EAR)
Bishop of Gasabo.”
– Source: Gafcon.
GSFA Pastoral Statement Following the Resignation of Justin Welby
Posted on November 14, 2024
Filed under Anglican Communion, Church of England, Global South Comments Off on GSFA Pastoral Statement Following the Resignation of Justin Welby
From The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches:
“My dear brothers & sisters,
As many of you will now know, the Archbishop of Canterbury resigned yesterday. This follows criticism in the Makin Report published last week of his failure to respond adequately and effectively to the sustained and uniquely brutal abuse of boys and young men dating back to the late 1970’s.
We should hold in our prayers the many who were scarred by this experience and for whom this dramatic turn of events will stir up traumatic memories and re-visited distress. It is also a time of great personal challenge for the Archbishop himself and his family, who are coming under great strain. We continue to uphold them in prayer during this difficult time.
The GSFA recognizes the observations, findings and recommendations of the Makin Report, including the danger of a church culture in which what is expedient takes priority over the values for which the Church stands. As we proceed with the Cairo Covenant, our fellowship will hold fast to paramount biblical and spiritual principles, including those of fostering a safe church, implementing oversight over best safeguarding procedures in the interests of all groups, parishioners, stakeholders and vulnerable persons who operate within the Anglican Communion.
There has never been a more challenging time for Global Anglicans to come together, and for senior church leaders to exercise their professional responsibilities to review and upgrade their safeguarding procedures, and to be held accountable for timely oversight and church discipline.
“May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ” 2 Thessalonians 3:5
The Most Rev Dr Justin Badi Arama
Archbishop and Primate of the
Episcopal Church of South Sudan, and
GSFA Chair.”
– Source: The GSFA.
GSFA photo.
Is God disappointed with me?
Posted on November 14, 2024
Filed under Encouragement, Resources Comments Off on Is God disappointed with me?
“For a long period in my Christian life, I felt like God was always just a bit disappointed in me.
Sure, I believed he loved me enough to die for me, and I knew he forgave me for my sin, but I felt that perhaps God just tolerated rather than delighted in me. After all, Jesus calls us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matt 5:48). Christians are told to pray continually (1 Thes 5:17). Paul exhorts us to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil 4:4). I knew I wasn’t perfect, my prayers were certainly not continual and I failed to always rejoice, so I felt that God must be constantly displeased with me.
I walked around in a persistent state of low-level guilt. I assumed God gave a bit of a deep sigh and an eye roll each time he saw me fail again.
I wish I had been able to read Faith Chang’s heartwarming book, Peace Over Perfection, in those long years. …”
– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Jocelyn Loane reviews Peace Over Perfection.