Has there ever been a month like this for BCA? Five Field Staff commissioned in six weeks!

Posted on May 13, 2023 
Filed under Australian dioceses, Encouragement, Good News

BCA’s NSW/ACT Regional Officer Paul Sampson writes,

“Our good God has heard and answered your prayers. What a joy to attend the commissioning of not one but five Field Staff in five different locations in just six Saturdays during late January, February and March 2023. Each of these ministries is a testament to the graciousness of our God and the faithfulness of BCA supporters who have prayed diligently for many years and generously provided financial support for these ministries. …”

In his The Narrow Road newsletter for May 2023, Paul shares news of commissionings at

as well as other encouragements.

Download the PDF file here. (Link via the Bush Church Aid Society Facebook page.)