God’s goodness in 1 Timothy

Posted on June 30, 2023 
Filed under Resources, Theology

Paul’s first letter to Timothy is full of goodness. Terms for ‘good’ appear 25 times in the letter.

That should lead us to expect that 1 Timothy would bring us delight, joy, peace, and satisfaction in God’s goodness. But when we come to read or teach this letter, there’s often a measure of anxious apprehension. That’s because to our modern ears, some of the things Paul writes in 1 Timothy, especially about human relationships, sound naïve, harsh, or just plain bad.

In this short article, I want to help us to grasp the fundamental goodness of 1 Timothy. I want to help us to better know and share that delight, joy, peace, and satisfaction in God’s word and his world that resounds throughout the letter. Seeing this goodness in 1 Timothy can be chal­lenging, as we grapple with our own and our modern world’s assumptions about what is truly good. But I’m convinced it’s worth the challenge. …”

Here’s some great encouragement to read 1 Timothy – from Lionel Windsor at The Australian Church Record.