Bathurst Synod 2024 Presidential Address

Posted on September 21, 2024 
Filed under Australian dioceses, Encouragement, Good News

Bishop Mark Calder this morning delivered his Presidential Address to the Synod of the Diocese of Bathurst. Click the image above to watch.

Or read the text (PDF file).

I only have one agenda.

His name is Jesus.

I want everyone in our churches to know Jesus, love Jesus, trust Jesus, serve Jesus and share Jesus.

And I want everyone not currently in our churches to hear of Jesus, turn to Jesus, revel in Jesus as Saviour and serve Jesus as Lord.

I was elected by the Bishop’s election board in 2019 for that agenda.

The board made it clear that they wanted change. Not just any change, but Gospel-shaped, Jesus- focused change.

Of course, I am not suggesting that Jesus wasn’t on the agenda prior to my appointment. However, the reality of the prior years, is that there were many other distressing and distracting issues which needed to be addressed.

I have now been here five years, and under our ordinances, I have three more.

So I want to share with you five lessons I’ve learnt in five years and three prayers I will continue praying in my last three years. …”

– Whether you watch or read, be encouraged to share the link to this page so that others can pray, and help in other ways.