Queensland – new proposed discrimination law

Posted on March 12, 2024 
Filed under Australia, Culture wars, Resources

“The Queensland government has released a draft of a proposed new discrimination law for public comment.

The proposed Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024 will make some radical changes to Queensland law, and of interest here is that it will seriously impact religious freedom in that State.

One of the ways that religious freedom is protected in Australia is through the inclusion in discrimination laws of ‘balancing clauses’ (provisions that balance the right not to be discriminated against, with the important right of religious freedom). But the new Bill will dramatically narrow those clauses.

I am pleased to present a guest blog post commenting on some religious freedom impacts of the draft Bill, from Dr Alex Deagon, an Associate Professor in the School of Law at QUT, and an internationally recognised researcher in religious freedom. …”

– See the guest post by Dr Alex Deagon at Associate Professor Neil Foster’s Law and Religion Australia blog.