NSW MPs plan spill motion against Premier Gladys Berejiklian

Posted on September 16, 2019 
Filed under Australia, Culture wars

“Three Liberal MPs say they will move a spill motion against New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian, saying she has ‘broken trust’ over the handling of the state’s abortion bill.

In a joint statement, MPs Tanya Davies, Matthew Mason-Cox MLC and Lou Amato MLC called for the spill at about 8:30pm after learning key amendments to the bill had been rejected…”

– Report from ABC News.

The Australian (subscription) reports that the three MPs say, in a statement,

“Three weeks ago it was made clear to the Premier and the Government that at an absolute minimum, four key amendments were required to the Abortion bill to ensure continued membership of the Liberal Party room – a prohibition on sex selection abortions, proper medical care for aborted babies born alive, protection of conscientious objection rights for doctors and allied health professionals and stricter regulation of late term abortions.

At 7:50pm tonight we were informed all the amendments were rejected in full or in part with vague undertakings for further discussions in the morning.”


The leadership spill his been called off.

Riverstone MP Kevin Conolly speaks about his concerns with the bill.