Living in Love and Faith: what now for those who cannot ‘agree to disagree’?

Posted on February 28, 2024 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars, Theology

“Yesterday the Bishop of Leicester, Martyn Snow, tried to reset the ongoing Living in Love and Faith (LLF) debate, asking the General Synod of the Church of England ‘to be reconciled with God and show this by being reconciled to one another’.

He talked of the missionary imperative of the Church finding a way to ‘agree to disagree’ and pleaded for Synod to avoid “a series of speeches simply saying, ‘Synod needs to agree with me’, or others just need to change their mind”.

But the problem facing the Church is, as Ed Shaw said, ‘We do not all believe the same things when it comes to identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.’…”

Susie Leafe continues to analyse the debates at the current meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod.

See also:

What do we mean by reconciliation? – Martin Davie.

“The problem with the LLF/PLF debate in the Church of England at the moment is that the majority of the bishops are promoting a truncated form of reconciliation, a form of reconciliation which emphasises quite rightly the virtues of humility, patience and love, but also gives liturgical recognition to sexual immorality in the form of the blessing of same-sex sexual relationships and same-sex marriages and the ordination of those involved in them. …”

Image: Bishop Snow’s call for reconciliation despite holding contradictory beliefs.