John Anderson in conversation with Jordan Peterson

Posted on April 11, 2018 
Filed under Culture wars, People

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia John Anderson has recently launched his website.

“Like so many Australians, I’ve watched events with increasing concern.

The extraordinary loss of economic discipline, the revolving doors of political leadership, the increasingly strident silencing of out of favour views in a way that threatens our most important freedom, that of speech, the never-ending promotion of division over unity as a nation, and overshadowing it all the deteriorating global strategic environment, are all cause for deep and urgent reflection.

We need – now – to reunite as Australians in the face of a grim reality: we are in danger of eating ourselves out from within.”

One of his first posts features his interview with Jordan Peterson.

(Watch it – but also be sure to watch John Piper: Don’t Waste Your Life – or his earlier, shorter version.)