How to preach truth yet teach falsely

Posted on June 13, 2023 
Filed under Resources, Theology

“In Spurgeon’s Lectures to my Students, in ad­dressing the matter of ‘The Sermon’, Spurgeon exhorts his students ‘to give a clear testimony to all the doctrines which constitute or lie around the gospel.’ His point is simple. Some preachers are reticent to teach the whole counsel of God fearing the truth they teach may be irrelevant (or perhaps, even offensive!) to their hearers. Spurgeon was a great believer in all of God’s word as good and profitable, and therefore, in his usu­al straight-speaking manner declared that ‘No truth is to be kept back […] Cautious reticence is, in nine cases out of ten, cowardly betrayal’.

However, it’s the illustration he gives to make his point which provides some real food for thought. …”

Mike Leite writes at The Australian Church Record.

This article is also printed in the current ACR Journal (issue 1926, Easter 2023). Download your copy here. Recommended!