Credo Magazine — May 2012

Posted on May 21, 2012 
Filed under Resources, Theology

The latest issue of Credo Magazine is available online. Executive Editor Matthew Barrett writes:

“the title of this May’s issue of Credo Magazine is ‘Chosen by Grace’.

Timothy George starts us off by taking us into the mind of the colossal reformer Martin Luther, exploring how he understood the doctrine of predestination, particularly in light of his famous debate on the bondage of the will with Erasmus.

Then, Paul Helm navigates new territory, investigating the contours of Calvin’s first controversy on predestination with Bolsec.

Next, I look at three Pauline passages that support the unconditional nature of election, demonstrating that God’s choice is not made on the basis of anything within the sinner, including faith.

Bruce Ware follows with a piercing article on the relationship between election and suffering, showing that suffering is a means ordained by God to spread the gospel for the salvation of his elect.

And finally, Fred Zaspel concludes by introducing us to B. B. Warfield’s understanding of predestination and providence, and the relationship between the two.”

The 75 page issue is  20MB PDF download from this page.