Contacting members of the NSW Upper House

Posted on August 19, 2019 
Filed under Culture wars, Resources

With the NSW Upper House expected to begin to debate the abortion bill this week, readers may care to avail themselves of the Australian Christian Lobby’s portal to e-mail all Members of the Legislative Council.

The page links also includes some suggestions for point you could make.

Of course, you can also contact members individually.


“Archbishop Glenn Davies has told a State Parliamentary inquiry that the catchcry of new legislation has been ‘decriminalisation’ but skates over the details that it radically extends abortion in New South Wales.

Abortion is not unlawful in New South Wales under certain circumstances because of a precedent set by the ruling of a District Court Judge in 1971.

The new legislation, which allows for abortions up to birth without effective safeguards, has had minor amendments in the state’s Legislative Assembly and now goes to the Upper House for scrutiny and then a vote.

After two weeks of media appearances and joint appeals with other religious leaders, Dr Davies was able to speak directly to the Upper House MPs who form the Social Issues Committee of the Legislative Council. …

The Archbishop also lodged a submission by the Social Issues Committee of the Diocese, which argued against the legislation on several grounds, including its impact on women. …”

Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, will address the Stand for Life pro-life rally at Martin Place, Sydney on Tuesday August 20.

Thousands of people are expected to attend to show their opposition to the extreme NSW abortion bill that will be debated in the NSW Upper House this week. The Australian Christian Lobby is co-hosting the event with other pro-life organisations.

It follows polling released by ACL today which indicates strong opposition to the bill.

Mr Iles will be joined by MPs including Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers leader Robert Borsak and Tania Mihailuk MLA from the ALP as well as faith and community leaders.

Stand for Life

When: 6pm-9pm Tuesday August 20, 2019

Where: Martin Place (Macquarie Street side)