Latest North West Network (August 2024) now available

The latest North West Network (dated August 2024) – from the Diocese of North West Australia – is now available to be downloaded as a PDF file.

Use it to inform your prayers for the men and women, boys and girls, of the North West, and for the churches seeking to share the saving news of Jesus with them.

Plenty of encouragement.

Download here. (1MB PDF file.)

A fresh encounter with John’s Gospel

“An epic Bible reading at St Jude’s Carlton invites attendees to encounter Jesus in a powerful and immersive way.

John’s Gospel will be read aloud in full, allowing people to experience the entire book and notice the threads running throughout.

The event is part of a series of free public readings Simon Camilleri will deliver across Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney churches in September 2024.

Mr Camilleri said he was excited to present the entire gospel story for people who may never have heard it before. …”

– Story on page 28 of The Melbourne Anglican for September 2024.

Simon is reading John’s Gospel at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney on Saturday 7th September.

Minister for Gulgong announced

From the Diocese of Bathurst Facebook page:

“Bishop Mark Calder announced today the appointment of the Rev’d Josh Taylor as assistant priest in Cudgegong Valley, with responsibility for Gulgong. Josh and Jordon will arrive in Gulgong early in 2025. Praise God!”

Read more here.

Also from the Diocese of Bathurst, here’s the latest list of parishes – for your prayers:

Review – Darkness: The Conversion of Anglican Armidale

Presbyterian Minister Graham Barnes reviews Darkness: The Conversion of Anglican Armidale, 1960-2019, by Thomas Fudge.

Darkness is Professor Fudge’s ‘accidental (p.1)’ book on the history of the Anglican Diocese of Armidale from 1960 to 2019, and the battles between theological liberalism and evangelicalism. The book is thirteen chapters long, 800+ pages, and for the most part theology and history are interwoven.

For Fudge, the watershed moment was the 1964 Election Synod where the evangelical Clive Kerle was elected Bishop of the Diocese. …

Not being an Anglican, and not knowing the individuals nor the events that Fudge seeks to describe, I will try limit this review more to Fudge’s theology, focusing on the earlier and later parts of his book. In truth, many of his comments, in particular about individuals, were poor to say the least.”

– Read the full review at AP.


Responses to a new book about the recent history of the Diocese of Armidale – 09 April 2024.

“John Chapman led a diocese to go evangelical, and outrage lingers still” – 17 June 2023.

Chappo’s contribution to the Anglican Diocese of Armidale – Tim Stevens, 2014.

John Chapman touched on his time in Armidale several times in this 2012 interview with Richard Chin (on Vimeo). If you only have time for one segment, you may want to jump to 1:13:27. (He recalls events around the 1959 Billy Graham Crusade.)

Armidale Diocese “The Link” for July-August 2024

Earlier we missed mentioning that the current issue of The Link – the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale – for July and August 2024 is now up on their website.

For your encouragement and prayers. (PDF file.)

Dr Rhys Bezzant to be next Principal of Ridley College, Melbourne

“The Reverend Canon Dr Rhys Bezzant has been announced as the new principal of Ridley College.

Canon Bezzant is currently dean of Missional Leadership at Ridley College, and a canon of St Paul’s Cathedral.

In its announcement, the Ridley College Board said ‘Rhys has demonstrated experience of and love for mentoring [and] equipping the next generation of men and women for God’s mission.’…”

– News from The Melbourne Anglican.

More at the Ridley College website, including a video message.

On use of the Lectionary

“Way back when I was 10 (55 years ago), I used to grab dad’s lectionary before we went to Evening Prayer on a Sunday so that I could bookmark the readings in my Bible and have them ready to find during the service.

I recall even then that there were many Sundays where the readings used were different from those in the lectionary. ‘Why don’t they use the set readings dad?‘ ’Because Mr Goodhew (our rector), likes to work through a whole book at a time.’…”

– In an “From the Bishop’s Desk” article (PDF file), Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder explains why some churches use the Lectionary, and some don’t. Which might be most helpful?

It might not be a question you are asking – but, then again, it might be! And it is an encouragement to all of us to treasure God’s word and to seek to grow to maturity in Christ.

Bishop of Bathurst’s Newsletter — Winter 2024

If you are praying for the churches of the Diocese of Bathurst (or if you’d like to start!), the Bishop’s Newsletter for Winter 2024 is a great help.

Download your copy (PDF file) from the Bathurst website.

Discover Serving in the Bathurst Diocese — on Zoom, Monday 22nd July

This is coming up on Monday – from the Diocese of Bathurst:

“Are you interested in ministry opportunities and pathways outside of the city? Are you curious about what it actually looks like to minister out west? Are you keen to hear about what it is like to SHARE JESUS for LIFE in the Bathurst Diocese?

Come and join current workers and their spouses online as they answer these and other questions. This session is for anyone who is interested or curious!”

– on Monday 22nd July on Zoom. Details at this link.

Very much related:

On Sunday, Bishop Mark Calder wrote:

“Warm, welcoming, keen to grow and learn. Without a pastor for nearly three years. Who will come?

Great to be at St Ambrose Memorial Anglican Church Gilgandra this morning – meeting with the Uniting Church across the road as our building needs some work.”

– On the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.

Why share Jesus? You have the best news possible.

Mark Calder, Bishop of the Diocese of Bathurst, reminds us Why we share Jesus. He turns to 2 Corinthians 5:11.

Part 2 in a 4-part series reflecting on the Diocesan strategic plan, “Sharing Jesus for Life”.

Week 1 – Compassion, Week 2 – Reverence, Week 3 – Love, Week 4 – Courage.

Encouraging – but also sobering.

Watch here. A very good way to start a new month.

Discover Serving in the Bathurst Diocese — on Zoom, Mon 22nd July

From the Diocese of Bathurst:

“Are you interested in ministry opportunities and pathways outside of the city? Are you curious about what it actually looks like to minister out west? Are you keen to hear about what it is like to SHARE JESUS for LIFE in the Bathurst Diocese?

Come and join current workers and their spouses online as they answer these and other questions. This session is for anyone who is interested or curious!”

– on Monday 22nd July on Zoom. Details at this link.

Also from Bathurst:

“Bishop Calder was delighted to announce today the appointment of the Rev’d James Boardman as Priest-in-Charge of the parish of Kelso, from January 2025. Currently assistant priest at Bathurst Anglican Cathedral, James and Charly are excited for this new opportunity. Please pray for the Boardmans and the parish of Holy Trinity Kelso as they prepare for this transition.”

– on the diocesan Facebook page.


The Link – from Armidale Diocese – May / June 2024

The latest issue of The Link – the magazine of the Diocese of Armidale – for May / June 2024 is now up on their website.

For your encouragement and prayers.

Let there be light in Coonabarabran

Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder was in Coonabarabran today, preaching and dedicating a new window.

He asks,

“Will Coonabarabran be the next church you lovingly pastor? These lovely saints say ‘come over and help us’. Today their final window was dedicated ‘to all who serve Christ with love and loyalty’.”

– Food for prayer at the diocesan Facebook page.

Commissioning at Narromine

On Saturday, Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder was in Narromine, “to welcome Luke and Lauren Merriman to Narromine and commission Luke as stipendiary lay minister.”

Bishop Calder continues, “Thanks be to God.”

Do uphold in prayer Luke and Lauren and the church at Narromine.

– More photos on the Bathurst Diocese Facebook page.

Prayer — theme of the Bathurst Diocese Conference 2024

The video recordings of the talks on Prayer given at the recent Bathurst Diocese Conference have been made available as a playlist here.

In addition, last Friday, Bishop of Bathurst Mark Calder preached at Moore College chapel in Sydney:

For your edification and encouragement – and a reminder to pray for the churches of the Diocese of Bathurst.

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