The Line in the Sand: The Appellate Tribunal Opinion and the Future of the Anglican Church in Australia

The Line in the Sand – edited by Robert Tong, Claire Smith and Mike Leite – is jointly published by The Australian Church Record and The Anglican Church League.

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia meets Sunday 8 May to Friday 13 May 2022.

What is “The line in the sand”? How does it affect the future of the Anglican Church of Australia?

“This volume of essays is published in the hope that all Australian Anglicans and especially members of General Synod will be equipped and encouraged to hold fast to the historic Christian teaching about marriage and to hold out the pure gospel of God’s grace in Christ to all people.”

Download your copy of the book at this link. (PDF and ePub formats.)

Take the time to hear (or read) these Author interviews:

•  Dr Claire Smith.

•  Archbishop Dr. Glenn Davies.

•  Bishop Dr Michael Stead.

•  Dr Mark Thompson. 

General Synod and comprehensive Anglicanism

“Some believe that the scriptures are quite clear in their condemnation of same-sex sexual activity and that the Church has no authority to act contrary to the clear teaching of the scriptures. Therefore marriage, in their understanding, must continue to be exclusively between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others, for life.

Others believe that what’s at stake here is an important matter of justice and that LGBTI people should be fully included in the life of the Church and allowed to express their sexuality through life-long, faithful, monogamous relationships just as heterosexual people do. Other parts of the scriptures are cited in support of this view.

In Southern Queensland we have set as a key focus area promoting ‘comprehensive Anglican identity and purpose.’

This approach recognises that there will be different convictions, understandings and priorities among Anglicans. And it is likely that each of these perspectives includes insights into the truth.

This means that in order to comprehend the whole truth we need these various insights and perspectives to be present and engaged. …”

– Archbishop of Brisbane Dr Phillip Aspinall writes about the upcoming General Synod to be held next month on the Gold Coast – and the range of theological convictions on the question of the blessing of same-sex marriages.

How ‘comprehensive’ can Anglicans be? Worth considering:

From Article 20 of The Thirty Nine Articles:

“… it is not lawful for the Church to ordain anything contrary to God’s Word written, neither may it so expound one place of Scripture, that it be repugnant to another. Wherefore, although the Church be a witness and a keeper of holy Writ, yet, as it ought not to decree any thing against the same…”

Photo: Anglican Focus.

Women, families and same-sex marriage on the agenda for General Synod

“Gender balance and family violence will be key issues on the agenda at the 18th Anglican General Synod in May, according to agenda documents.

The solemnisation of same sex marriage is also set to be debated by delegates. …

The issue of the blessing of same-sex marriage will also be revisited by delegates at the General Synod.

Two statements with respect to the topic of human sexuality and same-sex marriages were submitted by the Sydney Diocese for discussion on the synod’s first day.”

– Report from The Melbourne Anglican.

General Synod meets from Sunday 8 May to Friday 13 May on the Gold Coast.

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