The Line in the Sand: The Appellate Tribunal Opinion and the Future of the Anglican Church in Australia

Posted on April 25, 2022 
Filed under Anglican Church of Australia, General Synod

The Line in the Sand – edited by Robert Tong, Claire Smith and Mike Leite – is jointly published by The Australian Church Record and The Anglican Church League.

The General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia meets Sunday 8 May to Friday 13 May 2022.

What is “The line in the sand”? How does it affect the future of the Anglican Church of Australia?

“This volume of essays is published in the hope that all Australian Anglicans and especially members of General Synod will be equipped and encouraged to hold fast to the historic Christian teaching about marriage and to hold out the pure gospel of God’s grace in Christ to all people.”

Download your copy of the book at this link. (PDF and ePub formats.)

Take the time to hear (or read) these Author interviews:

•  Dr Claire Smith.

•  Archbishop Dr. Glenn Davies.

•  Bishop Dr Michael Stead.

•  Dr Mark Thompson.