Captivated by Scripture: A personal reflection on D. W. B. Robinson’s legacy for biblical studies

Posted on March 16, 2019 
Filed under People, Resources

Dr Lionel Windsor has shared the paper he gave at at the legacy day and launch of Donald Robinson Selected Works Volume 3: Biblical and Liturgical Studies & Volume 4: Historical Studies and Series Index at Moore Theological College, today, 16 March 2019.

“What made Robinson such an inspiring and influential teacher for generations of students? I’m sure there were multiple factors: many of those here today will have their own insights into this question. But one factor that I want to focus on this morning – a factor that comes through particularly clearly in his writings – is Robinson’s commitment to being captivated by Scripture.

The impression that keeps coming through in these volumes is that Robinson was so confident in the divine inspiration of Scripture, and so assured that God’s purposes are revealed to us in Scripture, that he was prepared to follow Scripture wherever it led him.

And when Scripture led Robinson on strange paths, paths that others had barely trod, on journeys where even he could not discern the destination, he enthusiastically trod those paths, knowing that wherever Scripture was leading him, it must be important. In this way, Robinson’s approach to Scripture is faithful in a deep sense: full of faith in God’s purposes revealed to us in his inscripturated word.”

Read it all at Forget the Channel.