Can we remain silent? — a ‘Must Read’ post

Posted on March 21, 2025 
Filed under Culture wars, NSW, Sydney Diocese

From, writing about a proposed bill coming before NSW Parliament,

“As the NSW Parliament considers widening access to abortion and forcing doctors to facilitate it – regardless of their conscience – two medical professionals urge Christians to speak out.”

‘I’ve been a doctor for 15 years and I love my work – I just love it. In general practice I’m in the privileged position of doing something I love, helping people and caring for them through all stages of life. …

if the Bill being considered by the NSW Parliament passes unamended … Christian GPs will be faced with the alternative of compromising either their faith and beliefs or their medical qualifications, and that’s a fairly nasty position to put people in.’

Do read the whole thing.

And this would be very good for congregations to know about / pray about this weekend. Image: Bold added.

See also:

Statement on Abortion Law Reform proposals – Media release from the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, 20 March 2025.