Brian Rosner to finish as Principal of Ridley College at the end of 2024

Posted on March 20, 2024 
Filed under Australian dioceses, People

“During the chapel service on 19 March 2024, Brian Rosner announced to students that he will be finishing up as principal of Ridley College at the end of this year.

After this, Brian will spend 2025 on research leave and then return in 2026 as a lecturer at the college, focussed on teaching, speaking and writing.

Brian will be giving a concluding, not-to-be-missed public lecture as principal on the evening of Wednesday, 16 October 2024.

Brian has led Ridley since mid-2012. …”

Announcement and video at the Ridley College website. And food for prayer. Brians asks for prayer for three things —

  1. The Ridley Board as the search for Ridley’s tenth Principal gets underway.
  2. The College – that God would continue to provide for them that they would conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. That he will finish well as Principal and serve God fruitfully in the years to come.