Australia loses Indigenous Christian pioneer

Posted on July 30, 2022 
Filed under Anglican Church of Australia, People

Archbishop of Brisbane Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney, February 1988. Photo by Ramon Williams Worldwide Photos.

“Archbishop Kanishka Raffel has paid tribute to Australia’s first Indigenous Bishop, Arthur Malcolm, who has passed away at the age of 87. …

His influence and ministry led to the public apology from the Anglican Church to Aboriginal people in 1988.

At St Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney, Australian Anglican Bishops led by the Primate, Sir John Grindrod, delivered an apology to Bishop Malcolm, saying

“My brother in Christ: … May I express on behalf of all non-Aboriginal people of our church profound sorrow for the suffering that your people have had to endure, with its violence and hurt. We humbly ask God’s forgiveness; and we seek your forgiveness as a leader of your people, for the actions of the past and those causing hurt at the present time. We have longed to share with your people the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We confess our endeavour has often fallen short of his love.”

In turn, Bishop Malcolm said

“My brother in Christ: For a long time we have been hurting… but it is through the message of Jesus Christ that we have learned to forgive.  We have received this forgiveness, and now in turn we must also forgive.”

– At, Russell Powell has this story about Bishop Arthur Malcolm.

Top photo: Archbishop of Brisbane Sir John Grindrod and Bishop Arthur Malcolm at St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sydney, February 1988.

Below: The Australian Bishops gathered at St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney in February 1988.

Both photos by, and with thanks to, Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.

The Australian Bishops gathered at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Sydney for the Apology in February 1988. Photo: Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.