A word from Bishop Gary Nelson

Posted on March 4, 2022 
Filed under Australian dioceses, People

Bishop of North West Australia, Gary Nelson, writes –

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” [ESV, 2 Tim 47]

Paul writes these words to Timothy as he nears the end of his life and ministry. They certainly encourage us all to finish well, to remain faithful to our Lord.

Friends, as I write, it’s only a few months before I conclude my ministry in the North West on May 15. For Christine and I, it has been, and still is, a wonderful privilege to serve the Lord in this part of remote Australia. It seems only yesterday we were leaving Sydney to drive across the continent to Geraldton. Now, we find ourselves preparing to do the reverse trip, 10 years later. We find it hard to believe our time in the North West is rapidly drawing to a close. So, Christine and I, want to thank you, whether family, friends or supporters [across Australia, and overseas, especially in America], for your constant prayer, generous giving and continued encouragement to press on.

The North West is a terrific mission opportunity for gospel work. But, it is a hard ministry field as we face a transient population, remote locations, indigenous needs and a missionary context [it’s a TRIM diocese]. As a result, we are always under resourced for the gospel task of ‘making disciples of all nations’. Please keep praying for the Lord of the harvest ‘to send out laborers into his harvest’.

Over our time we have met an amazing array of people that highlights the cross-cultural environment we minister in. And how exciting to see people from different backgrounds or nations or circumstances, come to faith in Jesus and grow in their love for Him. What an encouragement to meet them in other situations and find them persevering in Christ.

As bishop, I have the demanding role of recruiting ministers to serve in our parishes and chaplaincy work. Though often time consuming, and disappointing with the many who say no, yet those who come are a wonderful group of gospel hearted servants. Ministers who preach the Bible faithfully; who unashamedly stand for gospel truth; who are prepared to sacrifice for the sake of God’s kingdom – what a joy to serve with them. As well, a solid team in the diocesan office [mostly volunteers] led by the Registrar, has been built up to provide vital support for the increasing administration load and compliance regulations we now encounter.

The pandemic has affected us all, particularly here in Western Australia with its hard border. This has made it very difficult to recruit ministers or locums. We are hoping that as the border opens it will encourage more people to consider serving in our diocese.

The North West is linked to the Anglican diocese of Karamoja in eastern Uganda – a remote and poor region. It’s been a real privilege to train pastors there, and support their ministry in many other ways, such as providing resources for a school, running water projects and offering financial help. The Covid years have prevented us returning, but we are hoping that in the next year or so we will be able to encourage our friends with a visit. Though we have a variety of needs, it’s very helpful to look beyond ourselves to the wider kingdom work, and the Karamoja link enables us to do this.

What’s next for us? Not sure at this stage, but we are eager to see our families on a more regular basis and meet a few of our grandchildren, especially in America. Perhaps even experiencing a white Christmas, what a contrast to the hot, 47 degree Christmas with no power or air-conditioning in December last year.

Finally, may God bless and keep you in faithful love and service to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Bishop Gary Nelson.

(via e-mail from the Diocesan office.)

There’s much to give thanks for. And a great reminder to pray for Gary and Christine, the people of the North West, and the appointment of a new Bishop for the diocese in due course.

Other news from the North West here.