A lament for Scotland

Posted on February 5, 2024 
Filed under Culture wars, History, Scotland

In his latest podcast, David Robertson laments – and asks you to pray – for the land of his birth:

“In this week’s episode we look at the history, culture, and politics of Scotland. I have taken over a year to do this. It is possibly the hardest thing I have ever had to do because it is so hard for me to be objective.

This is deeply personal. And there is so much to say. It was difficult to decide what to leave out – I literally had hundreds of hours of material … I hope what has remained in will be helpful in understanding modern Scotland – and indeed the modern world. …

There are lessons for all of us in seeing how Scotland has changed, been blessed and declined. …”

Listen at The Wee Flea.

And a strong reminder to pray for the nation and people of Scotland.