With thanksgiving for Michael Green (1930-2019)

Posted on February 9, 2019 
Filed under People

“‘Share the good news of Jesus at every turn’, thrummed in the heart of every student touched by Michael Green, who died yesterday at the age of 88. Michael was a theologian, Anglican priest, Christian apologist and author of over 50 books.

Although initially a reluctant writer, the volume of Michael’s written works was evidence of indefatigable evangelistic energy that was present right until the day before he went to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford for multiple surgeries. Typically for Michael, when not being operated on, he spent the time witnessing to the hospital staff and dispensing a selection of his books, which were never far from hand when a soul needed shepherding to the Lord. …”

– This tribute to Dr. Michael Green was published by Premier Christianity in the UK.

Photo via J. John.

See also this 2010 interview with Premier Radio.