With thankgiving for Ailsa Knox

Posted on May 14, 2014 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

Ailsa KnoxWe are sorry to report the death, this afternoon (14 May 2014), of Mrs Ailsa Knox, beloved wife of the late D B Knox who was Principal of Moore College 1959–1985.

Ailsa suffered a stroke on Saturday and did not recover.

Ailsa was born Ailsa Lane in 1924 in Sydney. She first met Broughton at an Inter Varsity Fellowship meeting at Sydney University in 1947. They married at St. Swithun’s Pymble in September 1950. Only six weeks later she travelled with him to England as he began his doctoral studies at Oxford.

Broughton and Ailsa had six children: Margery, Deborah, Jonathan, Stephanie, David and Rosemary.

Moore College students will fondly remember Ailsa for her kindness and hospitality, and also for her beautiful soprano voice (she even gave the occasional public recital). She was a great woman of faith who gently encouraged generations of women at Moore.

After Moore College, Broughton and Ailsa left Sydney in January 1989 to found a new Theological College – George Whitefield College – in South Africa. When they returned to Sydney four years later, they left the College as a going concern.

Ailsa was persistent in prayer, and has been described as the fun-loving lighter side to the Knox family. She loved going to CMS Summer School at Katoomba each January, and last attended in January 2013.

While there is sadness for those left behind to remember Ailsa’s legacy, there is also great rejoicing that she is now with Christ.

Archbishop Dr Glenn Davies reflects –

“Ailsa modelled Christian virtues at so many levels. Her ministry especially among faculty wives and students was a great encouragement and a godly example. I have no doubt that the impact of Broughton Knox upon our Diocese would not have as profound or as significant had he not had the life companion of Ailsa by his side. Precious indeed, in God’s sight, is the death of his saints.”

More from SydneyAnglicans.net.

Moore College Principal Dr Mark Thompson remembers –

“Among the list of marvellous ministry marriages which have served the cause of Christ and his people in this city so extraordinarily well over the past 225 years, the partnership of Broughton and Ailsa Knox has been and continues to be a cause of great thanksgiving to our loving Heavenly Father.”

“Mrs Knox’s call home is a sadness for all who knew her and were encouraged by her faith in Christ, but for her it will be pure joy as she now knows as she is known”

See the tribute from Moore College.

And here is a Tribute from George Whitefield College.

Update: Ailsa’s funeral will be held at St. Paul’s Castle Hill, 421 Old Northern Road, at 11:00am on Friday 23rd May, 2014.


(Photo: Mrs Knox in 2005 at a College Supporters Lunch. Thanks to Moore College.)