Why the “equality” Bill is a threat to religious freedom — and what you can do about it

Posted on February 21, 2024 
Filed under Australia, Culture wars, Sydney Diocese

“The Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2023 introduced by Independent MP Alex Greenwich is due to be debated next month and voted on in March.

The bill makes wide-ranging changes to 20 pieces of NSW legislation that will undermine religious freedom and entrench a radical gender ideology in NSW. …”

Bishop Michael Stead writes at SydneyAnglicans.net.

He emphasises,

“Christians need to act immediately to make our opposition to this bill known.

We need to contact our local State members. Most politicians have little idea about the contents – let alone the consequences – of this bill.

It is important they hear our concerns before the bill’s scheduled voting day on March 14.”

This is an important article and deserves to be widely shared.

See also contactyourmp.org.au for background and helpful resources.