Why I left the Brisbane Anglicans to join the Diocese of the Southern Cross

Posted on July 9, 2023 
Filed under Australian dioceses, Diocese of the Southern Cross

“My big story started in 2013. I was in Nairobi at Gafcon, and Mike Ovey [the late principal of London’s Oak Hull College] Mike spoke on Ephesians chapter five.

[The passage says] that there were those who would deceive us into thinking that the wrath of God is not coming because of, as Paul puts these things, the extent of their immorality. And the encouragement of the Apostle Paul, ‘Do not become partners with them’.

And that started me thinking, well, here I am in the Brisbane diocese; what does it mean to be partners? What does that mean in terms of my relationship with the diocese? …”

– At Anglican Ink, John Sandeman has Peter Judge-Mears’ story.

And a good reminder to be in prayer for the members of Southside Anglican, St John’s Wishart, and others seeking to honour Christ in their respective situations.

Photo: Peter Judge-Mears announces he is leaving St Johns, Wishart, September 2022.


Diocese of the Southern Cross.