What to think of the NOOMA videos

Posted on January 12, 2009 
Filed under Resources

NOOMA videosRob Bell’s NOOMA videos feature excellent production and are wildly popular – but what do they actually teach?

At 9 Marks, Greg Gilbert has written a three part review. If your youth group is using NOOMA, the review is essential reading.

“Once you get past the razzle-dazzle of the videos’ style and really listen to what Bell is saying, you start to wonder if maybe they’re not so good after all. Watch the videos with a discerning eye, and certain questions start nagging you: What’s the cross for again? Why did Jesus die? How do you become a Christian? Hold on—did he just say that everyone has the Spirit of God living in them already? Jesus has faith in me? I am the gospel?”

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. (Nooma video covers image: 9Marks.)