‘We are bereft of a great saint’ (update 2)

Posted on September 15, 2013 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

Bishop Dudley FoordArchbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has released this statement on the death of Bishop Dudley Foord – at SydneyAnglicans.net.

Update from SydneyAnglicans.net: “A special memorial service for Bishop Foord will be held at St Andrew’s Cathedral on Wednesday the 18th of September, from 2pm. Currently, it is understood the service will be led by Archbishop Dr Glenn Davies, while former Archbishop Dr Peter Jensen will preach.”

And Moore College gives thanks

“… Dudley trained at Moore when Marcus Loane was principal, between 1956 and 1958 and took out the London BD in 1959. His studies continued and he received Th. Schol. in 1968 and a D Min from Fuller Seminary in 1983. He lectured at the College for seven years and served as Dean of Students. …  In every sphere of ministry in which Dudley served there are stories of growth and encouragement and godly leadership. At Moore College we especially remember his commitment to the Bible and his determination to help men and women exercise a faithful, fruitful and enduring Christian ministry.”

Photo: Ramon Williams, Worldwide Photos.