Two Ways Ministries launch (updated with video)

Posted on June 17, 2015 
Filed under Resources, Sydney Diocese

Phillip Jensen Two Ways MinistriesWhen Phillip Jensen resigned as Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral at the end of 2014, it wasn’t so that he could retire.

His new venture, Two Ways Ministries, was launched at Moore College on Saturday 30th May, with the help of a large group of friends.

The tag line of Two Ways Ministries is “Preaching the gospel by teaching the Bible”. Phillip explains that his aim is to promote the strong connection between faithful exposition of the Bible and preaching the gospel. He, and a few consultants, aim to model evangelistic preaching from the Bible. As well, he plans to continue recruiting and training young preachers, and writing.

Watch or listen:

Richard Chin asks Phillip Jensen about the new ministry. (video)

Two Ways Ministry and book launch – Phil Colgan. (video)

Phillip spoke on 2 Timothy 4:5, “Do the Work of an Evangelist” (video) or audio only.

twm-prayer_smThe ministry was launched with prayer.

As well, a book of 20 essays in honour of Phillip – Let the Word do the Work – was also launched by The Australian Church Record.

The offices of Two Ways Ministries are inside Moore Theological College and can be contacted here.

Please do pray for this new ministry, at the same time giving thanks for tools such as Two Ways to Live – which has been such a blessing to so many over the years.