The Passing of Giants

Posted on November 19, 2012 
Filed under Australia, Sydney Diocese

On Friday evening, John Chapman (‘Chappo’), a much loved son of the diocese, died at the age of 82. He is best known as the Director of Evangelism in the Diocese of Sydney (1969–93) and as an exceptional preacher and teacher whose influence has spread across the world. The evangelistic passion which today characterises the Diocese of Sydney owes much under God to Chappo and his ministry. He stirred generations to evangelise through expositions of the Bible. Right to the end he challenged us to keep Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sins and the promise of life with God forever at the centre of our message and our life together. Chappo was also Emeritus Vice-president of the ACL and his memory will encourage us to remain vocal and stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Swiftly following on news of the death of John Chapman comes news of the death of another significant contributor to the cause of Christ in Sydney and the world. Stuart Barton Babbage, at various times Dean of Sydney (1947–53), Dean of Melbourne (1953–1962), Principal of Ridley College Melbourne (1953–63), Master of New College at the University of New South Wales (1973–83), and Registrar of the Australian College of Theology (1977–92). Dr Babbage made a distinctive contribution to the life of the Australian church with a breadth of perspective and depth of intellect which few could match. In 1995 he was became a Member of the Order of Australia.

These men were very different in temperament, style and ministry concerns. Yet both were mightily used by God to build his church and encourage his people. The ACL thanks God for all that he did through them and prays that those who were closest to them and who feel most keenly their loss might know the comfort of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection.

Gav Poole
Anglican Church League

(Photos: Chappo, via Mary Andrews College; Dr Barton Babbage, New College UNSW.)