‘The key to Postmodern Evangelism’

Posted on May 24, 2011 
Filed under Resources

“The key to evangelizing our postmodern generation is forming relationships and faithfully proclaiming the gospel. We can not wait for people to come to us; we must take the gospel out to them.

The course called Christianity Explored began when Chris Hobbs, former curate at All Souls Church in London, England, brought Michael Bennett’s Christianity Explained course to England in 1990. …”

– Rico Tice introduces Christianity Explored to the (mainly American) readers of the White Horse Inn’s Modern Reformation magazine.

And Michael Horton at the White Horse blog is enthusiastic about the updated version of Christianity Explored –

“‘Christianity Explored” – especially with this newly revised edition – is exactly what we’ve needed for a long time. My prayer is that churches faithful to getting the gospel right will become just as known for getting the gospel out. And ‘Christianity Explored’ is the best supporting resource I know of for helping us to do that.”

(The Christianity Explored course materials are available in Australia via The Good Book Company.)