“The Coming of the Holy Spirit” book Q&A videos

Posted on May 17, 2024 
Filed under Resources, Theology

Phillip Jensen’s book The Coming of the Holy Spirit has been a real blessing to many. Now there’s an extra resource you may find helpful. Phillip writes:

“We have now made a series of short videos answering the questions I’m most often asked about the book. …

It is so important that we carefully study why Jesus sent his Spirit. The confusion in the minds of many Christians about the work of the Holy Spirit is very sad and leads people into strange and unhelpful beliefs and practices.

I hope the book will be of use not only for you … but also for your conversations with others who may never have studied the Bible on this topic.”

Here’s the video playlist.

It includes a strong suggestion on how you shouldn’t read the book.

The book is available from Matthias Media.

And the audiobook version is available from Audible.