Taking God Seriously

Posted on January 20, 2014 
Filed under Resources, Theology

Dr J I PackerHere’s a challenging video clip from Dr J I Packer on Taking God Seriously.

It’s a subtle promotion for the book of the same name – the video was published almost a year after the book.

Runs for 1:52 at Vimeo. Well worth passing on the link.

About the book, Carl Trueman writes:

“Like many people, I first discovered what it meant ‘to take God seriously’ through reading J. I. Packer’s books. It is thus an honour and a delight to be asked to write a commendation for his latest work, a basic catechetical plea for sober, modest, thoughtful and orthodox theology.

In a church world dominated by Barnum and Bailey circus antics and the brash triviality borrowed from the world around in the name of ‘engagement,’ Dr. Packer remains a truly engaging and gentlemanly advocate for those old paths which are ever fresh.”

Related: Dr Packer’s most recent sermon preached at St. John’s Vancouver, 5th January 2014 – on John 4:1-45.