Synod gives thanks for Marcus Loane

Posted on October 18, 2011 
Filed under Sydney Diocese

Sydney Synod today passed this motion –

“On the 100th anniversary of his birth, Synod thanks God for the life and ministry of Sir Marcus Loane; Moore College Principal (1953-1966), Australian Army Chaplain (Kokoda Track, 1942-1945) the first Australian born Archbishop of Sydney (1966- 1982) and Primate of Australia (1978).

We thank God for Sir Marcus’ contribution to the evangelical identity of our Diocese. He served us by providing a model of godly leadership and leaving a legacy of published works. In particular those biographical books bringing to life heroes of the faith will ensure that our evangelical heritage is not easily lost.

With fondness we remember the clarity of his preaching, the strength of his convictions, the warmth of his pastoral care and his faithfulness in prayer.

In passing this motion, Synod thanks God for Lady Loane and her partnership in Sir Marcus’ ministry. We send her greetings, love and God’s comfort.”

(Photo: Ramon Williams.)