Sydney to give thanks for Billy Graham on Friday 9th March

Posted on February 28, 2018 
Filed under People, Sydney Diocese

St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Sydney will host a special thanksgiving service for the life and ministry of Billy Graham. 

The service, from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm on Friday 9th March, will be led by Archbishop Dr. Glenn Davies.

Past Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Peter Jensen (who came to Christ at the 1959 Crusade), will preach.

In a letter to Sydney Rectors, Archbishop Davies writes:

This will be an opportunity to gather together with others who witnessed the 1959, 1968 and 1979 crusades along with those who were touched by his ministry in other ways.

I would encourage you to promote this special service, inviting members of your congregation and the community to join us as we praise God in the hymns of the crusades and give thanks for God’s gifts to Billy Graham and to us through his landmark ministry in Australia.”

St. Andrew’s Cathedral is on the corner of George and Bathurst Streets in Sydney.

(Photo of Billy Graham courtesy Ramon Williams.)