Dr Peter O’Brien in conversation on Hebrews

Posted on April 3, 2012 
Filed under Resources, Theology

Dr Peter O’Brien recently sat down with John Gray and Keith Baker at St. Paul’s Castle Hill for a relaxed chat about the letter to the Hebrews.

Most encouraging.

See the conversation in segments of about 5 minutes each on Vimeo –

  1. What points of similarity are there between the first readers of Hebrews and Sydney Christians today?.
  2. What should we make of the call to be certain of what we do not see?
  3. When we go through hard times, can we discern between God’s discipline and simply living in a fallen world?
  4. What does the call to follow in the suffering footsteps of Jesus mean today?
  5. In Hebrews 12, what does it mean to say the readers have come to the new Jerusalem?
  6. Who is Melchizedek?
