Proposed Misinformation Disinformation Bill

Posted on September 30, 2024 
Filed under Australia, Culture wars

It may be that you are unaware of the Australian Government’s Communication Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024.

Public comment on the bill (unless the time is extended) closes tonight.

From The Australian Christian Lobby:

“Where the government should be safeguarding the free speech of Australians, it will instead require social media to control our public discourse. From public health to politics to the economy and ideology,  how this bill defines harm will determine what you are allowed to say online.

Remember, this isn’t just about protecting our rights; this is about our ability to speak truth in love – unpopular but true messages that challenge what society has accepted, messages that reveal God’s goodness. Christians have many things to say about a range of issues, and when it comes from a place of grace and truth, it’s helpful for society. Our message are not, as the government would dictate, ‘harmful’ nor ‘leading to ‘serious harm’. …”

Read their whole post and the accompanying PDF file.