Presidential Address — Tasmanian Synod 2014

Posted on May 25, 2014 
Filed under Australian dioceses

Bishop John HarrowerBishop John Harrower’s Presidential Address from the 2014 Synod of the Missionary Diocese of Tasmania:

“The Aurora over the landscape of Tasmania draws from within me a deep longing that the Light of the World, our Lord Jesus Christ, will break into our lives and ministry in powerful and transforming ways. We yearn for His radiance to be fully known, that His rule and Kingdom will be on earth as it is in heaven.

Our State, Tasmania, needs the Church, our Anglican Church, and every Christian man, woman, boy and girl to fulfil our biblical mandate to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom and to declare the purpose of God in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Let me focus you – Do you still love Jesus?

Yes, I know! It is the question you have heard from me on many occasions. It is the question I ask the clergy. But on this occasion let me ask this of each one of us? Yes, each one of us gathered here on this occasion: Do you still love Jesus? Is this the focus of your life? Is your love for Jesus your inspiration, comfort and yearning? …”

Read it all here.