Positive Masculinity

Posted on August 29, 2024 
Filed under Culture wars, Theology

“Friends in Christ, this month, Micaela Cronin, the country’s first Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner, handed down her first ‘report card’ to federal parliament on progress of the government’s National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children. …

Also highly significant in my view, Ms Cronin urged governments to help redefine masculinity and engage men effectively. She said, “we need to have eyes on men in different ways than we do now”. She said she was being told consistently by women to “please work with our men” and data uncovering how men become violent and stopped being violent was desperately needed. [Source]

It’s at this point I offer some Christian reflections.”

– The Dean of Sydney, Sandy Grant, turns to Scripture to show us what a real man must be like.