Out-Thought or Out-Discipled? Mission and Ministry in 2020s Australia

Posted on May 17, 2021 
Filed under Resources

“In 1901 about 96 percent of Australians identified themselves as Christian. By the 1950s this had hardly moved, with a good 89 percent nominating Christian on the census.

The big change has happened in the last half-century. It began in about 1963, and it has accelerated in the last ten years. The next census, due this August, is almost certain to mark a significant milestone: the first time fewer than fifty percent of Australians identify as Christian. …”

– At The Gospel Coalition Australia, Rory Shiner helps us understand the context in which we preach the gospel to Australians today.

His article was first published in the recent ACR Journal.

Image: The Pastor’s Heart.