October 27th 2017 – 50 tragic years of abortion in the UK

Posted on October 28, 2017 
Filed under Culture wars

“At 11.04am on Friday October 27 some of us will gather at Parliament  to mark 50 years since Royal Assent was given to the 1967 Abortion Act. A law which was intended to allow abortion in certain circumstances became an elastic law, a law with catastrophic consequences. At the time only a handful of MPs recognised it as a dangerous and slippery slope.

Those 29 MPs who voted against its Second Reading did so because they contested the repeated claims that the law would only be used in extreme and tragic circumstances. They were right.

In the half century that has elapsed since its passage a staggering 8,894,355 unborn babies have lost their lives – one death every three minutes; 20 lives ended every hour. …”

– Lord David Alton in London speaks about the staggering consequences of the 1967 Abortion Act. (via Anglican Mainstream.)