Northwest Network March 2017

Posted on March 23, 2017 
Filed under Australian dioceses

“Mining towns in Australia are well known for boom and bust cycles.

Old timers who have survived previous boom and busts usually just laugh at the reactions of newbies. They make comments like, “what do you expect, it’s mining” or “what, you expected the good times to last forever”.

Sadly, this bust period saw many of the ‘old timers’ pack their bags and leave town. Some with nothing to show for their time in the Pilbara and so unable to afford to live here any longer; others with pockets bursting from new found wealth through selling their property. These were followed by the people who bought those properties at the height of the boom, but now unemployed, houses repossessed by the banks, filing for bankruptcy, or contemplating suicide (with some succeeding).

This is the gloomy reality for many in the ‘City’ of Karratha.”

– The latest issue of Northwest Network is out.

Use it to fuel your prayers for the churches and the people of North West Australia. (575kb PDF file.)