No crumb of comfort in a tragic and disastrous Church of England decision — with Vaughan Roberts

Posted on November 20, 2023 
Filed under Church of England, Culture wars

From The Pastor’s Heart:

“The Church of England has abandoned the teaching of Jesus with prayers for same sex blessings potentially to start before Christmas.

‘Tragic’ says Gafcon.

‘Disastrous’ says the Global South.

‘Deeply Troubled’ says the Church of England Evangelical Council.

‘First order difference requires first order differentiation’ says Vaughan Roberts.

‘It is hard not to dissolve into a flood of tears’ says Mark Thompson the Principal of Sydney’s Moore College.

‘The Archbishop of Canterbury should resign’ says the Church Society’s Lee Gatiss.

The English General Synod has crossed a line that evangelicals across the world had been praying and hoping would not happen.

The General Synod expressed its support by a tiny majority of just a few votes for the continued implementation of the House of Bishops proposals to change the position and practice of the Church of England with regards to sexual ethics and marriage.

We now expect the English bishops to commend prayers of blessing for same sex couples by mid-December (and provide dedicated services soon after), to prepare guidance which will make it possible for clergy to marry their same sex partners, and that future ordinands will not to be asked to indicate whether their lifestyle and personal relationships are in keeping with the doctrine of the Church of England.

Vaughan Roberts is one of the UK’s leading evangelical ministers within the church of England.  Vaughan is senior pastor of St Ebbes in Oxford.”

Watch or listen here. (Links added to the text above.)

Image: Vaughan Roberts speaks in the Church of England’s General Synod on Wednesday morning 15th November 2023.