Moore Matters Spring 2023 now online

Posted on September 2, 2023 
Filed under Moore College, Resources, Sydney Diocese

The Spring 2023 edition  of Moore Matters from Moore College is now available in parishes – and also online. The theme for this issue is Trusting the Bible.

Head of Church History, Dr Mark Earngey, contributes an article, “The Bible in the English Reformation” –

“Lord, open the King of England’s eyes!”

These were the dying words of William Tyndale who earnestly desired that the ploughboy would grasp as much of the Scriptures as would the priest.

There years later his prayer was answered in abundance when King Henry VIlI authorised the Great Bible in 1539. Every parish in the realm was ordered to purchase it and have it physically chained to a convenient place, such as the lectern. It was great, not only because of its size, but also because of its authority. In its Preface, Archbishop Thomas Cranmer said, “this book … is the Word of God, the most precious jewel, the most holy relic that remains on earth.”

Cranmer knew that the Bible needed to be central to his Reformation agenda. He believed that the Holy Scriptures were God-breathed (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. I:21) and that they judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts (Heb. 4:12). Thus, the sharpness of the written Word of God could cut out those errors of the church which had crept in through the Middle Ages. The penetrating clarity of the written Word of God could assist men, women, and children to understand the will of God for their own lives. …

Read online here.