Lessons from Lay Members of Sydney Synod

Posted on August 29, 2023 
Filed under Resources, Sydney Diocese

“With Sydney synod fast approaching, it is worthwhile remembering that two-thirds of the synod are lay members. Quite apart from the numerical majority, lay folk play an important role in the business of the synod, and in its ministry outcomes.

The ACR took some time to interview various lay representatives (old and new!) in order to gain a ‘view from the pew’. We hope this will be encouraging for lay and clergy alike. …”

The Australian Church Record begins its pre-Synod “Lessons from Lay Members” by speaking with the Chancellor of the Diocese, The Honourable Justice Michael Meek.


The Synod Survival Guide by Dr Robert Tong. An invaluable free resource for Synod members.

The ACL Synod Dinner 2023 coming up on Monday 11th September.

Photo with thanks to Russell Powell.