Remembering Leon Morris on the Centenary of his birth

Posted on March 14, 2014 
Filed under Australia, History, Theology

Leon MorrisAustralian theologian Leon Morris was born one hundred years ago this weekend – on March 15th 1914.

The current Principal of Ridley College Melbourne, Dr, Brian Rosner, has a tribute. (Photo: Ridley College.)

If you are not familiar with the writings of Leon Morris, you can read three articles on the Church Society website:

The Person of Christ (1960).

The Authority of the Bible Today (1961, PDF file).

Christian Worship (1962, PDF file).

The Apostolic Preaching of The CrossAnd if you can obtain a copy (and especially if you have some Greek), take the time to read his The Apostolic Preaching of The Cross – The Tyndale Press, London, 1955) – an enormously important book still today.

That book “is an attempt to understand certain key words, words which are crucial to the New Testament picture of the atonement, by seeing them against the background of the Greek Old Testament, the papyri, and the Rabbinic writings. Armed with our discoveries, we then proceed to examine them in their New Testament setting…” – from the Preface to the First Edition.

Update: Sandy Grant has just published this at The Briefing.