John MacArthur to the Governor of California on the slaughter of the innocents

Posted on September 30, 2022 
Filed under Culture wars, Evangelism


Almighty God says in His Word, ‘Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people’ (Proverbs 14:34). Scripture also teaches that it is the chief duty of any civic leader to reward those who do well and to punish evildoers (Romans 13:1–7). You have not only failed in that responsibility; you routinely turn it on its head, rewarding evildoers and punishing the righteous.

The Word of God pronounces judgment on those who call evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20)…”

– John MacArthur, Pastor of Grace Community Church in California, has released an open letter to Governor Gavin Newsom who has been promoting his state as a destination for those wanting abortions – and quoting the Bible in support. (Click the image to read the text on the billboard.)

The letter is a clear and blunt call to repentance. PDF version.


Can California Become Even More Pro-Abortion? Governor Newsom Signs 13 New Bills to Increase Access to Abortion – Albert Mohler’s The Briefing, 28 September 2022.