Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Debate — a review

Posted on October 28, 2015 
Filed under Resources

Human Sexuality and the 'Same Sex Marriage' DebateBen Pakula reviews Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Debate – the fruit of two years’ work by the Sydney Diocesan Doctrine Commission.

“something that is both easy to read, yet also theologically rich; a tool that will equip any Christian to better love the LGBTI community… and better serve Christians for whom same-sex attraction is an issue.”

Here’s the full review:

“Australians can either remember or at least learn of a time where supporting and praising the practice of homosexuality was considered taboo. Within a single generation a great reversal has taken place: to speak against the practice of homosexuality is, ostensibly at least, to be narrow-minded, bigoted, backward, draconian, right-wing and homophobic. Regardless of the sides anyone takes on any amongst the plethora of debates concerning homosexuality, all must concede that such a sociological change is unprecedented.

Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Debate demonstrates that this radical change has come about as a direct result of calculated cultural engineering; admitted and shamelessly championed by proponents of homosexual activity and the gay lifestyle. Their program owes much of its success to the erosion of a Judeo-Christian worldview, such that the Christian voice in the debate concerning ‘Same Sex Marriage’ (SSM) is seen as out-dated and senseless. Recognising that Christians are already on the back foot when it comes to the SSM debate, Human Sexuality sets forth a brilliant summary of the sociological history of the gay rights movement, then gives a careful and thorough presentation of the biblical position (including the hermeneutical framework through which the position is crafted), and finally shows how the Bible’s teaching should inform the way we speak lovingly and boldly in the public sphere, as well as equipping us to love and minister to our brothers and sisters who struggle with same-sex attraction.

The authors (and editor, Dr Mark Thompson), have obviously taken great care to deliver something that is both easy to read, yet also theologically rich; a tool that will equip any Christian to better love the LGBTI community (which will involve speaking in opposition to many facets of its worldview), and better serve Christians for whom same-sex attraction is an issue. The great quality of the work has been recognised by the Ministry Training and Development department of the Sydney Anglican Diocese, as is evidenced by their decision to give a copy of this book to delegates present at a recent training conference, all of whom are ordained ministers. For ordained ministers, and for any Christian who wants to be well informed about the SSM debate, Human Sexuality and the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Debate ought to be seen as ‘go to’ book.”

It’s available from Christian Education Publications.